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Ionie Liburd Willett
Sep 21, 2021
In Leadership
Leaders have challenging work contexts but they have to get the job done. Recognising that it is not a 'one man show,' leaders have to employ strategies to influence others, maintain positive momentum and achieve organizational results. As pointed out by the Center for Creative Leadership (2020), "effective, ethical leaders use different approaches in different situations, choosing carefully when and how to influence people using appeals to the head, heart, or hands" (Center for Creative Leadership). Four influencing skills were identified and are shared below: Organizational Intelligence: They understand how to get things done and embrace the reality of working within organizational politics to move teams and important initiatives forward. Team Promotion: Leaders cut through the noise to authentically and credibly promote themselves — while also promoting what’s good for the entire organization. Trust-Building: Because leadership often involves guiding people through risk and change, trust is essential. Leveraging Networks: No leader is an island. They are empowered by their connections with others. Becoming a leader of strategic influence can be the game-changer to transform your workplace.
Influence in the Workplace content media
Ionie Liburd Willett
Sep 21, 2021
In Leadership
Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary defines influence as "the act or power of producing an effect without apparent exertion of force." Leadership influence, explains Todorovic (2021) "is an ability to affect others and change their behavior in a given direction." He points out that influence is not the same as control, power or manipulating others to achieve certain goals. "It is about becoming aware of what moves your people and gets their commitment. Then, using the knowledge to leverage goals and outcomes with better performance." Make a difference! Be a leader of influence!
Leaders with Influence content media
Ionie Liburd Willett
Sep 17, 2021
In Leadership
Leaders want a team of experienced and knowledgeable professionals who can take initiative, problem solve, innovate, and help the business or company achieve goals. So, what can leaders do to empower team members? Pat Bosworth (2021) posits that "empowering employees is a culture. It takes an increase in trust, clear communication, and strategic delegation." Bosworth outlines the following steps to empower workers: 1. Delegate to develop: delegate with the intent to grow and develop the capabilities and responsibilities of your employees. 2. Set clear expectations: Define the boundaries within which your employee is free to act. By setting clear expectations (but not micromanaging them), you’re giving your employees permission to take make decisions while ensuring the decisions are in line with company goals. 3. Give employees autonomy over assignments: When you delegate, accept that this may mean your employee may complete the task differently than you would. Relinquish control, refrain from micromanaging, and accept that your way may not be the only (or best) way to complete a project. 4. Provide necessary resources: Offer tools, resources, and to be a sounding board for ideas. 5. Give constructive feedback: When debriefing on a project, be thoughtful and specific about the feedback you provide. Telling someone they did a “good job” doesn’t give them any direction for what to continue doing in the future. Be specific about the actions or attitudes you’d like to see repeated and the impact it had on others. 6. Accept ideas and input: When possible, include your employees in decision-making and goal-setting. If they can’t be involved in these preliminary processes, be open to hearing their ideas and input. Not only can being receptive to new ideas help empower your employees, it can also open up your organization to great new ideas. 7. Communicate the vision of the organization: It’s becoming more and more important for employees to feel like they are contributing to building something as opposed to just being another cog in the wheel. By clearly communicating the vision of the organization and how a team and its individuals contribute to that vision, you are empowering your employees with the knowledge that their contribution is making a difference. 8. Recognize employees for hard work: Showing appreciation for work well done makes it more likely that a person will do it again (and do it even better). It will also encourage them to continue to be innovative, take action, and to solve problems. Don’t be stingy with ' thank you.' As a leader, what other ways do you employ to empower your team members?
How can leaders empower team members? content media
Ionie Liburd Willett
Sep 17, 2021
In Leadership
A leader's qualifications, experience, status, charisma and such like are not enough for today's leaders. We are in a time of disruptive change and traditional leadership skills won't be enough, argues futurist Bob Johansen. In his book, Leaders Make the Future: Ten New Leadership Skills for an Uncertain World, Johansen says that leaders increasingly will face challenges that have no solutions. Of course, they will have to make decisions anyway. According to The Center for Creative Leadership, there are four fundamental skills that a leader needs. These are self-awareness, learning agility, influence, and communication. Center for Creative Leadership (2021) Self awareness: understand your behaviour's impact on organizational outcomes. Self-awareness includes: Leadership wisdom, insights from experience they can apply to the challenges they face. Leadership identity, who they are in their current professional and personal context. Leadership reputation, how others perceive them as a leader based on current and previous behavior. Leadership brand, what they aspire to and the actions they take to support that mission. Communication: effectively communicate goals and inspire trust. Influence: be comfortable persuading, promoting, and delegating. Learning agility: know when to change course and help others to do so. Which of these core skills do you need to develop or work on?
What characteristics do today's leader need? content media
Ionie Liburd Willett
Sep 17, 2021
In Leadership
In the present challenging times, effective leadership is demanded, more than ever. New trends, skills, attitudes and mindsets are required for leadership today. But, just what is leadership? Let me start with what leadership is NOT! Leadership is not the same as management. Leadership is not the seniority position in a company, institution or business. Leadership is not position, e.g. Director, CEO, Manager. Leadership is not the ability to be charismatic. Leadership, however, is "a process of social influence, which maximizes the efforts of others, towards the achievement of a goal" Kruse (2013) Additionally, John C. Maxwell explains that "leadership is not about titles, positions or flowcharts. It is about one life influencing another." Check out the YouTube video on "What Is Leadership?" by Richard Rierson (2014). What are your thoughts on leadership?
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Ionie Liburd Willett

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