The launch of the 50th-anniversary edition of How the West Indian Child is Made Educationally Sub-normal in the British School System.... will be held on Wednesday 31st March at 7 pm UK time.
Register to attend via Eventbrite at The short link is
How the West Indian Child is Made Educationally Sub-normal in the British School System: The Scandal of the Black Child in Schools, was first published in 1971 by Bernard Coard. In that publication, he examined the enforced educational inequality and institutional racism in the UK. Fifty years on Coard has reviewed, added to and republished his work.
Coard’s work is as relevant today as it was then. For example, the UK edition of the Guarding reported, “Exclusion rates five times higher for black Caribbean pupils in parts of England”,
The launch of this anniversary edition will include a presentation by Bernard Coard and contributions from Jeremy Corbyn M.P, former Labour Party Leader and Leader of the Opposition; Baroness Christine Blower, former General Secretary of the National Union of Teachers; Minkah Odofoh, one of the founder members of the Afruika Bantu Saturday School; Jacqui McKenzie, an immigration lawyer and Windrush campaigner; Paul Mackney, former General Secretary of the UCU); Brian Richardson, Lawyer and educationalist; Chris Searle and others.
This will be followed by a Q&A session on “How the West Indian Child…” and its relevance to the education of BAME children today. for information.