Below are some top negotiating tips a highly respected UK Housing Development Director shared during a presentation;
1. Always be fully informed of the terms and details before entering into a negotiation
2. Be fair, keep your integrity and morals in tact as it will lead to a better reputation
3. Be aware of the stakes (could winning cost the other party their job/business?)
4. The most successful negotiations result in a win/win situation...
5. Think about what else you can offer of low value to you but high value to the other party
6. Be aware of your body language (ensure it is open and conveys confidence)...
7. Always read the body language of the other party
8. Don't talk unnecessarily...your contribution will be valued more...
9. Don't be afraid of silence
10. Time your responses: too quick = eager or desperate, too slow = unsure of your position
11. A bad hand can still win a negotiation
12. Always remain measured and keep the emotion out of negotiations...
13. If you do lose your temper, only do it once (shows grit but can also used to push your buttons)
14. If you don’t know something, don’t be afraid to say you don't know.
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