Reset. Restart. Refocus. As many times as you need to.
How to deal with change and uncertainty during COVID - 19
We have all faced disruption, change and uncertainty during the coronovirous 19 outbreak, and that looks set to continue for a while.
Its easy to get caught in a spiral of "what ifs" - worrying about our health, family, job, and finances, and how and when things will return to normal - particularly if we are already struggling with our mental health.
But there are ways we can manage this uncertainty, reducing stress and helping us to cope better.
Here are 10 things you can do to help deal with change and look after your mental wellbeing in the face of uncertainty:
1 Take stock of how you feel
2 Focus on the short term
3 Acknowledge whats working
4 Recognise your achievement
5 Find a new rhythm
6 Try to stay in the moment
7 Reframe your thoughts
8 Decide what strategies work for you
9 Only do whats comfortable
10 Get practical advice
Here are 10 things you can do to help deal with change and look after your mental wellbeing in the face of uncertainty, as well as places you can go to get further free advice and support.
1. Take stock of how you feel
Put time aside to examine your current situation and consider how you really feel, perhaps talking it through with someone you trust.
Acknowledging that the coronavirus outbreak is having an impact on you, and that this is to be expected, can also help you to manage the uncertainty.
Try to be kind to yourself, and get support with how you are feeling if you think you might need it. There is plenty of help out there from mental health charities and the NHS.
Get Your Mind Plan
2. Focus on the short term The further we look into the future, the easier it is to get overwhelmed by long-term uncertainty. Instead, try to focus on the day-to-day, and think about what's in your power to do right now. Decide what's important to you, and concentrate on your short-term needs and those of the people close to you. Try breaking down each day or each week into manageable, achievable tasks, and focus on each goal in turn. This can be hard if you are feeling low. Start with easier activities and work up – as you progress, your mood should improve and it should get a bit easier.
3. Acknowledge what's working Even when it might feel like everything is up in the air or going wrong, there will be some things, however small, that do not change. It could be a close relationship, our favourite meal or a song that means something to us. Noticing, acknowledging and being grateful for these constants in our life, as well as any small positive changes we have already made or are working on, can really help us deflect and recover from life's knocks – and helps us see positive possibilities for the future. Each day, consider what went well and try to list 3 things you're thankful for.
4. Recognise your achievements It's been a really difficult time, and many of us have been tested in ways we never expected. We have all had to find new ways to cope and adapt. Take 10 minutes and list some of your accomplishments or successes from the past 12 months – no matter how big or small. Are there any unexpected ones in there? Perhaps you learned how to cook a new meal, organised the "cupboard of doom", homeschooled the kids, led a virtual meeting, helped a friend or neighbour, finished a book you've been meaning to read, or spoke to friends and family more. Getting by in the face of one of the biggest challenges the world has faced in many years is a big achievement in itself. Whatever they are, take time to reflect on and be proud of your accomplishments this year, and keep a note of them from now on.
5. Find a new rhythm
Routine and structure can be a powerful way to regain consistency and reduce uncertainty.
A typical day has probably changed quite a lot for us all, so think about what is within your control and how you can create a new routine that works for you now.
Make time to de-stress and wind down each day – build in positive activities like exercise, relaxation, hobbies, speaking to friends or spending time with those close to you, and think about a positive sleep routine.
Watch: Tips for sleeping better
6. Try to stay in the moment
Restrictions, regulations and the general situation are changing frequently, so it's important not to dwell on the past, fixate on the future, or get bogged down by things you do not or cannot know. You can only do your best with what you have today.
Relaxation, mindfulness or getting outside and enjoying nature are all good ways to help you focus on the present.
Watch: Mindful breathing
7. Reframe your thoughts
In difficult times like this, it can be easy to get caught up in negative thoughts, feelings and actions. For most people, at this time, feeling uneasy is an understandable response to the uncertainty present in everyday life.
Maybe you're disappointed about what was "supposed" to happen this year or scared of what the future may hold. You might find yourself in a negative spiral where you fixate on issues and convince yourself of the worst.
It can be helpful to step back, examine the evidence for your thoughts and explore other ways of looking at the situation.
This will not resolve the problems you face but can help break a negative spiral and give you a new perspective – things are often not as bad as we thought.
Watch our video to learn a technique to help you deal with unhelpful thoughts and help you work through things.
Watch: Reframing unhelpful thoughts
8. Decide what strategies work for you The uncertainty that changing restrictions bring for work, home or others' expectations can put a strain on our mental health and wellbeing. Although it might feel overwhelming, remember this is not the first challenge you have faced in life. You probably already have a lot of the strengths and skills to get through the current situation. Think about what strategies have worked best for you when you have faced problems before and work out how you can use these approaches now. It could be in the past, or what's worked recently. Maybe you've noticed going for a walk at lunch every day helps to clear your head, or maybe scheduling a catch-up with a friend makes you feel that bit brighter. Whatever it is, commit to making it part of your daily routine – and remember that recognising when you need professional help with your mental health is an important coping strategy for many people.
9. Only do what's comfortable As the situation evolves, it's important to make sure we are going at our own pace. We should not let others pressure us into things that make us feel uncomfortable, anxious or unsafe – but we also have to try to not let that be an excuse that stops us from doing positive and beneficial things, like safely staying in touch with friends. It's natural to have concerns, so discuss them with those close to you and try to build in small positive changes. It can be difficult to see others doing things without you. Perhaps your partner or child has gone back to work, for example, but you cannot. Honest and open communication is vital but so is giving others the space to move at their own speed.
10. Get practical advice
Talk to people you trust and get support if you need it. There is lots of help out there.
If you're worried about your employment or housing, then find out about your rights. It can be hard, but try to face your fears and get help. Citizens Advice is a good place to start.
For advice on how to look after your mental health in the workplace, or support others Mental Health At Work has a range of resources and information.
If you're worried about bills or debt, the best thing you can do is talk to an expert and make a plan.