A leader's qualifications, experience, status, charisma and such like are not enough for today's leaders.
We are in a time of disruptive change and traditional leadership skills won't be enough, argues futurist Bob Johansen. In his book, Leaders Make the Future: Ten New Leadership Skills for an Uncertain World, Johansen says that leaders increasingly will face challenges that have no solutions. Of course, they will have to make decisions anyway.
According to The Center for Creative Leadership, there are four fundamental skills that a leader needs.
These are self-awareness, learning agility, influence, and communication.
Center for Creative Leadership (2021)
Self awareness: understand your behaviour's impact on organizational outcomes.
Self-awareness includes:
Leadership wisdom, insights from experience they can apply to the challenges they face.
Leadership identity, who they are in their current professional and personal context.
Leadership reputation, how others perceive them as a leader based on current and previous behavior.
Leadership brand, what they aspire to and the actions they take to support that mission.
Communication: effectively communicate goals and inspire trust.
Influence: be comfortable persuading, promoting, and delegating.
Learning agility: know when to change course and help others to do so.
Which of these core skills do you need to develop or work on?