The past month has been rough! The last two weeks have been a nightmare! It seemed like every time I checked my messages or answered a call, it was to get some sad news of a close friend who had passed. These were working professionals who had succumbed to one health issue or other. It became depressing for me.
When I checked the ages of those loved ones, the range was between forty and sixty years. Young, too young to die. When I was growing up, it was the mothers, fathers and grandparents who were dying. We expected them to transition then. Now, it is so many persons, even those in the twenty to forty age bracket who are dying.
"No denying it … Leadership is tough. Stressful. Time-consuming. There are hard decisions to make and long hours of people depending on you. That means … you can’t afford to do anything that compromises your physical health. It’s up to you to be in shape so you can lead effectively and strategically."
Connie Podesta
This forum speaks to leaders so I want to encourage leaders to start making self-care a priority. You have heard that you cannot pour from an empty cup. It is true! So, as you go about your duties and responsibilities, be intentional about your self-care. Block time on your schedule for self-care. Let family and friends know that you are taking time for your mental health and psychological well=being. Have boundaries and let people know of your non-negotiables as they relate to your self-care.
The topic of self-care is subsumed under mental health. So important is the topic of mental health that it is is a world-wide acknowledgement, celebrated annually on October 10. This year's theme was 'Mental Health in an Unequal World.'
Some strategies that have worked for me include taking time to just unwind; no phone, no TV; not even music. I just relax and think about all that I am grateful for, for the day, week or month. I enjoy spending time in my garden, marveling at the rich colour of zinnias, the breathtaking smell of Thai and Genovese basil and keeping an eye out for a visiting hummingbird. Being outside in nature is rewarding and therapeutic. I write in a gratitude journal that I designed using CANVA. ( I look forward to visiting my father and a close friend of his who has a fruit and vegetable garden with medicinal plants. I visit a close family friend who is seventy-one years. I feel such joy to see and smell her lovely roses. I love spending time reading the Holy Scriptures and personal development books. As you may be realising, these self-care moments do not cost money, just some time and attention, and in return, I get to feel amazing.
What have you been doing to take care of your mental health and psychological well-being.
Just Google #self-care and you can get lots of ideas.
Below is a checklist that I found on Pinterest. Check out,
You will find ideas that you can readily use or tweak to your taste.
Have an awesome week.
Great share!