Thanks for visiting the Kingston Professionals Community Forum!
You'll find lots of interesting content here from our industry specialists and global community. Join a discussion to share your views on one of our community topics.
To ensure that the Forum is a safe environment for all of our members, we also ask that you adhere to the following guidelines!
Participation guidelines & Rules
Participants are responsible for reading and understanding these rules.
By participating in the Kingston Professionals Forum you agree to these guidelines.
1) Use your Real Name
As a professional organization, members of Kingston Professionals are required to use their real name, and not a pseudonym. If it is determined with careful consideration by the Moderator that a participant's actual identity is in question, that person will be suspended until proof of identity is provided. If it appears that fraud, forgery, identity theft, or computer crime laws have been violated, Kingston Professionals will notify the appropriate legal authorities.
2) Keep to the Topic
Members should respond to the topics that have been raised, in line with the forum they are visiting.
3) Be Civil
This is NOT a public forum but all participants are real people. Please respect people with differing views. No insults, swearing, name-calling or inflamed speech will be permitted in the Forum. Personal one-on-one arguments, disagreements or personality conflicts are not appropriate on this discussion forum. Attempts at humour or sarcasm should be labelled ... ;-), :-), etc. verbal attacks or threats will be strictly dealt with and may lead to your being barred from taking part in the discussion forum. This keeps the Forum safe. If content is illegal it will not be displayed.
Personal attacks or public threats against the safety or security of participants or Kingston professionals are not allowed. If you receive private communication from another participant that causes you serious concern, you may communicate that to the Moderator, but no action will be taken by the Moderator to intervene in private disputes among individuals except to prevent offending parties from taking part. When a moderator takes any action this may not be communicated to any other party. If you feel you have privately received an illegal threat via email, you should contact the appropriate legal authorities. Kingston Professionals is not responsible for any private behaviour.
4) Privacy
Private stays private. Don't forward private replies without the permission of the original author. Contact the moderator if in any doubt.
6) No Rumours
Avoid false rumours. Rumours of a personal nature are not allowed. Asking for clarification of what you've heard in the community can be appropriate if issues-based. You alone are responsible for what you post.
7) Right to Post and Reply
Sharing your knowledge and opinions with your fellow citizens is a democratic right. Only those who are registered Kingston Professionals members may post.
8) Items Not Allowed in Forums
Commercial advertising and chain letters are prohibited from the Kingston Professionals Forum.
Comments or complaints about forum management or complaints about member rule violations must not be posted to the main forum. Instead, direct such messages privately to the Moderator.
9) Public Content and Use This is not a' public forum' this is a forum specifically designed for members of Kingston Professionals.
10) Warnings and Suspension
Moderators reserve the right not to post, or delete postings that are deemed offensive, illegal or otherwise unsuitable. Should a posting be deemed objectionable, the post will be deleted. You may lose your right to participate based on your behavior in the Kingston Professionals Forum. You may also regain your rights. You may receive informal or official warnings, or an instandt ban from the Moderator if your postings violate the Kingston Professionals rules.
11. Moderator Responsibilities
Moderators or Community hosts, may accept, reject or hold messages for posting. The moderator may a;sp propose message changes to a registered member.
The Moderator will respect your privacy. Any personal information given to Kingston Professionals will be used only for the purpose for which it was intended. Should these rules be amended, the Moderator will announce the changes in the Forum.